
Gabriel Volpe – Why types matter

Gabriel Volpe

Gabriel Volpe

Passionate Software Engineer, specialized in functional programming, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has been writing code since 2005, using Scala professionally since 2014 and Haskell since 2017.

He is the author of the book Practical FP in Scala, and also of some open-source Scala libraries such as Fs2 Rabbit and Redis4Cats. You can find him giving talks at functional programming conferences and meetups all over the world as well as helping people out on Gitter.

Why types matter

Even if we are writing purely functional code and using functional effects such as the IO Monad, functions taking a plain String or an Int can still slip through. This should not be acceptable. Let’s raise the bar together and see how we can improve the standard by introducing newtypes and refinement types.

We’re now in 2020, it is time to ditch the weakly-typed functions from our codebase and embrace strongly-typed functions for a better quality of software.

Scala Valentines #5, Part 2